Community icon Hedda Lettuce helps us celebrate…
Vallarta Gay Clinic, Puerto Vallarta’s health clinic for the LGBT Community, is holding its Grand Opening open house on Friday, March 17, 2023, at 4:00-8:00 p.m at Lázaro Cárdenas #379, across from the Farmacia Guadalajara in Vallarta’s Zona Romantica. The party is open to the public, and community legend Hedda Lettuce will lead the official Rainbow Ribbon Cutting at 6:00 p.m. Come and meet the clinic’s Medical Director Dr. Miguel Buenrostro and Clinical Director Ismael Rossi, and the entire Clinic staff.
Vallarta Gay Clinic is a new concept for healthcare in Puerto Vallarta. We offer integrated primary and specialized care to members of Vallarta’s Gay Community. Our major areas of specialization are primary care and diagnostic medicine, emotional care, specialized LGBT care, and geriatric care. We feature our own specialized pharmacy and laboratory equipment.
As a special bonus, those attending the party can pick up coupons for 2-for-1 medical and psychological consultations. And for those interested in learning more about the new clinic’s services, follow-up informational meetings are scheduled in the following weeks. There we will discuss details of our new membership program, our specialties in LGBT health, geriatric health, emotional health, and primary care. We will also have insurance experts on hand to answer questions about international policy coverage in Mexico and Mexican policies.