VGC’s Psychologist Trains Police Force in Diversity Issues

VGC Psychologist Ismael Rossi (front center with pup) after leading the first diversity training session for the Puerto Vallarta police force.

Psychologist Ismael Rossi, Clinical Director at Vallarta Gay Clinic, began a series of ten diversity training sessions for the Puerto Vallarta police force this week. The trainings began on May 18, International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, and will continue throughout the summer to include more than 500 police officers.

The trainings were organized in conjunction with Movimiento por la Igualdad en México (MOVii) Equality Movement in Mexico to raise awareness, safety, and inclusion for, and minimize discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ Community here in Puerto Vallarta.

“The trainings are an opportunity for the police force to understand that power is expressed through love,” Ismael said. “And love is having the capacity to pass a limit, yet not do so.” He’s looking forward to continuing the sessions in the months ahead. For more information, please contact Vallarta Gay Clinic at (322) 108-2559.

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